Trel B

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Course Description - Devcom 1A&B

Xavier University College of Agriculture

Course No. : Development Communcation 1
Course Title : Introduction to Development Communication
Instructor : Estrella E. Taco – Borja
Term : 2md sem, 06 - 07

This course introduces the students to the theories and principles of development as they apply to
communication with emphasis on the principles and practices of development communication.

At the end of the course, the students are able to:
1. explain the concepts of dev’t in general, and the concepts of rural and urban development in particular;
2. explain the roles and function of communication in rural and urban development;
3. explain the basic concepts, theories, and principles of communication;
4. appreciate the dynamic role of communication in any development endeavor; and,
5. demonstrate basics skills in analyzing communication dynamics and devcom support in organization.

1. lectures-discussion
9. case studies and analyses
2. on-site lectures
10. structured learning exercises
3. dialogic journalizing
11. workshops
4. oral reporting & or panel discussion
12. individualized project
5. simulation games
13. field exposure and immersion
6. field interviews
14. visit to various offices (NGO/GO/corp/etc.)
7. film showing and analysis
15. participation in dev’t activities in the field
8. debate

1. Case study of a community, a family or an individual followed through the whole semester.
The final case study is worth 100 points. You will be graded according to the following criteria:
a) Conscientious preparation / data gathering for information on subject and a thorough presentation of profile/basic
information of case (20 pts.)
b) Ability to relate theories/basic concepts discussed in the classroom or found in books/references with the situation/condition
of subject (20 pts.)
c) Ability to pose questions and dilemmas, to reflect on what is good and what is not, to compare and contrast with other
conditions/situations or even personal experience (20 pts.)
d) Ability to present scenarios and possibilities, and reflections and realizations (20 pts.)
e) Organization and clarity of thought and care in developing the details of the study (15 pts.)
f) Correct grammar and spelling, neatness, legibility (5 pts)

2. Participation in exposure and immersion activity (or undertaking its alternative) in a remote, deprived community
and submitting a reflection paper on how communication could play a role in the development of the community

3. Each is required to have a journal notebook that will be used for the following:
a) class discussion/scribbling some notes b) assignments c) required essays, reflections, etc
The journal shall follow the following format:
>The left page shall be used as a dirty page (where you write your notes, assignments, etc.).
>The right page shall contain some commentaries, reaction, reflection or even resolutions
Each journal is worth 50 points and is graded according to the following criteria:
a) availability of notes from which your reflections shall be based (10 pts.)
b) proper correlation of commentaries/reaction/ reflection or even resolutions to the subj. matter/notes on the left (20 pts.)
c) organization of thoughts and ideas (10 pts.)
d) correct grammar and spelling, neatness, legibility (5 pts)
e) sourcing out more references to enhance the presentations (5 pts.)
The journals shall be checked during the prelim, midterm, pre-final and final periods

4. At the end of the semester, each is required to learn by heart at least two communication theories. You will be graded
according to the following:
a) presentation of basic information about the theories (plain statements about them) (10 pts.)
b) citing specific day-to-day situations that would explain the theories concretely (20 pts.)
c) ability to relate the theories to personal experiences and reflecting on them (20 pts.)
The evaluation of the theory shall be done in two ways: through a workshop with notes prepared ahead and
distributed to the rest of the workshop team (50 pts.) and through an oral evaluation (50 pts.)

Total number of points/Credit for each work shall be added. Passing mark is always 60% of each output (e.g. for journal, passing is 30 points). Mid-term grade shall comprise 30% of the final grade. You are expected to keep track of your running score/points.

a. National situationer and structural analysis f. Community organizing as an approach to development
b. Societal problem g. RPs dev’t programs and policies: past and present
c. Globalization and its effects h. Development programs of various NGOs and GOs
d. Some development concept i. Gender and development
e. Approaches to development j. Peace and development

a. Purpose of communication g. Media channels /net works
b. Concept of process h. Barriers
c. Communication as process i. Effects
d. Types of communication j. Basics in interpersonal communication
e. Meaning and understanding k. other related concepts
f. Effects of communication

a. Definitions (theory etc.)
b. Traditions of communication theory
c. Some theories:
1) Reinforcement theory by Hovland, Janis and Kelly
2) Humanism theory by Marshall McLuhan
3) Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation theory (FIRO) by W.C. Schultz
4) Balance Theory by Fritz Heider and Theodore Newcomb
5) Diffusion of Innovation by P. Lazarsfeld, B. Berelson, and H. Gaudet
6) Cognitive Dissonance by Leon Festinger
7) Dialogic Communication by Martin Buber
8) Meaning Theory by Ivor Armstrong Richards
9) Symbolic Interactionism by Herbert Blumer
10) Attributions Theory Fritz Heider
11) Motivation Theory by Steven Reiss
12) Learning Theory by F.B. Skinner, Thorndike, et. al.
13) Classical conditioning by Ivan Pavlov
d. Theories of and adult learning
e. Principle of adult-learning
f. Learning and communication

a. Definition: Quebral’s (1971), Lent’s (1977), Flor’s Cybernetic (1992)
b. Goals and purposes
c. Devcom and Masscom: Commonalities and Differences
d. Foundations and Values
e. Devcom and the Policy Sciences, other allied fields
f. Myths

a. Survey of organization, groups that make use of dev communication in support to programs and activities.
b. Prospects of development communication
c. Future of development communicators


Braid, Florangel Rosario, et. al. (eds.). 1984. Communication for Rural Mobilization and Development. Asian Institute of Journalism.
Jayaweer, Neville and Sarath Amunugama. 1987. Rethinking Development Communication. Kefford Press, Singapore.
Maslog, Crispin. 1988. Philippine Communication: An Introduction. New Day Publishers, Quezon City.
Nebres, Binevenido, et. al. 2002. Managing Conflict Building Consenus. ADMU Press, Quezon City.
Ongkiko, Ila Virginia and Alexander G. Flor. 2003. Introduction to Development Comunication. SEAMEO SEARCA and UP Open University, College, Los Banos, Laguna.
Quebral, Nora. 1988. Development Communication. UPLB, College, Laguna.
Sevenn, Wemer and James Tankard Jr. 1997. Communication Theories, Origins, Methods and Uses in the Mass Media (4th edition). Longman Publishers, USA.
PACE seminar references.
Web-based materials
(Masscomm books like those of Littlejohn’s, etc.)


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